To create a community building event with family involvement, we decided to engage in a Cardboard Challenge focused on trees: How could children build a tree with cardboard-like materials and make it interactive?
his article describes the collaboration between teachers and researchers designing a translanguaging space where bilingual children and their families could explore the linguistic and cultural practices that they engage in at home.
Authored by
Authored by:
Ivana Espinet Maite T. Sánchez Sabrina Poms Elizabeth Menendez
We are so pleased to be able to offer you the 2022 compilation of Voices of Practitioners articles. This volume marks VOP’s 18th year as an online journal.
Teachers can help children build the foundations of algebraic reasoning in preschool and elementary school by focusing on topics critical to algebra by using concrete objects found in any early learning setting or home and by offering simple activities.
This article focuses on one aspect of a child’s specific culture—making and relating to friends—and the paradigm shift that occurs when teachers evaluate what they observe and experience with children by the yardstick of childhood rather than adulthood.
In this article, we discuss the need for teacher candidates to experience play, the equitable benefits of playful learning, and strategies that we use to position play within a standards-based curriculum.
Authored by
Authored by:
Melanie Loewenstein Toni Sturdivant Josh Thompson