Vote Now: NAEYC's 2023 Governing Board Election
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Welcome to the 2023 Governing Board Election!
Your vote will help determine the Governing Board President, Board Member At-Large and a Student Board Member. The term will begin on June 1, 2023.
To be eligible to vote in the 2023 election, you will need to be a current NAEYC member by December 31, 2022. The election closes at 11:59pm ET on Tuesday, March 01, 2023.
To view candidate information and statements, including photographs, and video presentations, click here.
Cast Your Ballot!
You can reach the election site by logging into your NAEYC member account.
(Clicking on "Vote Now" will take you to the NAEYC member log-in page)
For technical assistance with the voting process and to request a paper ballot, please contact Election-America at [email protected]. For questions regarding your membership, please contact NAEYC’s Customer Care Center at 1-800-424-2460 ext. 4 or email [email protected].