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A toddler stacks colorful plastic rings
Young Children
November 1, 2015

Rocking and Rolling: Why Teaching Infants and Toddlers is Important لماذا تدريس الرضع والفطم مهم؟

فيتعلم الأطفال الصغار من بيئتهم والأشخاص الذين فيها. لذلك فإن ه من الضروري أن تتأكد المعلمات أن المعارف والمهارات التي يدرسونها مناسبة نمائيًا لعمر الأطفال ومجموعاتهم.

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Authored by: Allyson Dean Linda Groves Gillespie
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A mother interacting with her son.

Ideas to Spark Rich Conversations with Your Children!

As the parent of a young child, you know that children are curious and eager to learn. To help you make the most of those moments—and to inspire even more of them—we offer several easy strategies for sparking rich conversations.
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Teacher observes as child paints artwork
Young Children
March 1, 2019

A Guided, Exploration-Based Visual Arts Program for Preschoolers

This article describes a program that combines exploratory art experiences with intentional teaching moments and offers suggestions for how teachers can organize their own programs.

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Authored by: X. Christine Wang Keely Benson Corinne Eggleston Bin Lin
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Male teacher and students reading during storytime
Young Children
March 1, 2019

Joyful Learning with Stories: Making the Most of Read Alouds

The SEEDS approach to repeated read alouds offers teachers a structured, emotionally supportive, and intentional way to increase children’s language and literacy development.

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Authored by: Kathleen M. Horst Lisa H. Stewart Susan True
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Teacher holding up a picture book
Young Children
March 1, 2019

Language and Literacy Development: Research-Based, Teacher-Tested Strategies

Early childhood teachers play a key role as children develop literacy. While this cluster does not cover the basics of reading instruction, it offers classroom-tested ways to make common practices like read alouds and discussions even more effective.

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Authored by: Lisa Hansel
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YC March 2019 Cover
Young Children
Vol. 74, No. 1
March 1, 2019

March 2019

Language & Literacy: Research-Based, Teacher-Tested Strategies
YC March 2019 Issue
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Children playing in play centers at a library
Young Children
July 1, 2018

Public Libraries Harness the Power of Play

Thanks to a nationwide parent education initiative called Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR), an increasing number of librarians are focusing on helping parents interact with their young children in meaningful ways to increase vocabulary development.

Authored by

Authored by: Donna C. Celano Jillian J. Knapczyk Susan B. Neuman
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