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Effective Kindergarten Readiness Assessments: Influencing Policy, Informing Instruction, and Creating Joyful Classrooms
Elliot Regenstein Maia C. Connors Rio Romero-Jurado Joyce Weiner
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Making Connections. That Was Fast ...
Rhian Evans Allvin
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Promoting Young Children’s Social and Emotional Health
Jeannie Ho Suzanne Funk
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From Design Copying to Mathematics in the Early Childhood Classroom
Anthony (Tony) I. Byers Elizabeth (Beth) A. Cottone Claire E. Cameron
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The Reading Chair: March 2018
Isabel Baker Miriam Baker Schiffer
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早教课堂上的 从图形重现到数学 From Design Copying to Mathematics in the Early Childhood Classroom
Anthony (Tony) I. Byers Elizabeth (Beth) A. Cottone Claire E. Cameron
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De copiar diseños a las matemáticas en el aula de educación inicial
Anthony (Tony) I. Byers Elizabeth (Beth) A. Cottone Claire E. Cameron