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Young girl smiling
a parent painting with a child
January 4, 2021

Focus on DAP: Joyful Learning in a Tough Year

What does engaged joyful learning look like when many child care centers around the country are struggling, and educators, families, and children are navigating virtual school and social distancing?

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Authored by: Susan Friedman Julia Luckenbill Nicol Russell
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A group of children reading a book on a sofa together.

DAP: Recommendations for Research

Much remains to be learned about how to maximize each child’s development and learning. Important areas for further research include the following topics.
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A professional listening to someone speak.

DAP: Recommendations for Policymakers

Policymakers must ensure that those working directly with children in early childhood settings have equitable, affordable access to high-quality professional preparation required to meet DAP standards.
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A young child at a desk writing on a piece of paper.

DAP: Defining Developmentally Appropriate Practice

NAEYC defines “developmentally appropriate practice” as methods that promote each child’s optimal development and learning through a strengths-based, play-based approach to joyful, engaged learning.
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Young children sitting next to a bookshelf.

DAP: Statement of the Position

Each and every child, birth through age 8, has the right to equitable learning opportunities—in centers, family child care homes, or schools—that fully support their optimal development and learning across all domains and content areas.
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A young child playing with cards on a table.

DAP: Purpose

This position statement, one of five foundational documents developed by NAEYC in collaboration with the early childhood profession to advance high-quality early learning for all young children, defines DAP.
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A child playing with blocks made of different shapes.

DAP: Conclusion

While many of the recommendations have changed considerably over the years, the primary focus of DAP remains the same: NAEYC emphasizes the importance of the relationships between children and well-prepared early childhood educators.
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